30 Days is a social experiment I invented to my own delight and detriment. It's my way of slowing down the world and focusing on a single subject for an entire month no matter what life throws your way. It's also a bit of a style thing. Hope you like it.

Thursday, January 7, 2010

Day 14

This day was possibly one of the most interesting days. One great thing about being in New York is that crazy park in the middle of the city. I have only actually been in there a few times and today was probably the best. This is one of my favorite capes that I borrow from my flatmate, Shaun. We have certain items that are “house pieces” and I am trying to make this cape become one of them. The patent glove is a gift from a dear friend. I do not know how I lived without them being in my life before. My black super skinny Levi’s leads way to my ultra slutty nude shoe. This image feels like some sort of historical reference to a preacher. I am actually reading my Bible and from the look of it, I it seems like I am on a pulpit trying to deliver New York City from bad fashion sins.

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